Advanced technologies that improve citizen information services in a Smart City

Advanced technologies that improve citizen information services in a Smart City

The combination of artificial intelligence, augmented reality, IoT and blockchain offer opportunities to optimise many of a city's information systems to help us improve its infrastructure and services to its residents   The implementation of new technologies to transform a city into a Smart City involves the integration of advanced systems to improve the quality of life of citizens and increase the efficiency of public services. In fact, one of the key aspects of a Smart City is the provision of timely and accurate information to citizens, contributing to greater transparency and participation in decision-making about what should be done…
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Tokenizing the energy supply of a Smart City

Tokenizing the energy supply of a Smart City

The tokenization of different types of elements and assets is one of the possibilities, so to speak, that the introduction of blockchain technology beyond the realm of cryptocurrencies has brought to our business and industrial ecosystem. "Tokenizing", adapting the English voice "token" to our language, consists of creating a digital asset that represents that which we are working on in order to be able to divide it into many parts. Taking into account that, in a Smart City, a service or infrastructure cannot generally be physically divided, the best way to achieve this is to represent it with a token…
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Combining blockchain technology with artificial intelligence to improve Smart Cities services.

Combining blockchain technology with artificial intelligence to improve Smart Cities services.

  As more and more cities seek to improve the infrastructure and services that enable the management of cities, we realize that using applications that converge and combine with each other is what makes it easier for us to consider huge technological leaps in the way of implementing solutions for the transformation of cities into Smart Cities. Within the Industry 4.0 paradigm, blockchain and artificial intelligence are two of the emerging fields that are gaining a lot of popularity in the world of technology applied to the Smart Cities ecosystem. Both offer innovative solutions to a number of problems and…
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How to manage the huge volume of unstructured data that a smart city generates

How to manage the huge volume of unstructured data that a smart city generates

In general, the problem with our smart cities is not a lack of data, at least not across the board, but the way in which we need to manage the sheer volume of data that IoT sensor networks, IT systems and smart city structures generate. In addition, most of the data we can collect from available sources in the city is often unstructured data, which, when not properly managed, can become overwhelming to analyze. According to some estimates, between 80% and 90% of the data generated and collected by the organizations and services that are part of a city are…
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Types of blockchain networks and their applications in smart cities

Types of blockchain networks and their applications in smart cities

We have talked several times in our publications how blockchain is gaining popularity for many applications that companies can use in a wide range of networks, and then, extrapolating, many cities are implementing it as management mechanisms for urban services. To the general public, this technology is best known for its central role in cryptocurrencies, but blockchain has many more uses. In general, blockchain networks can be used and customize their functionality and adapt to any need a company, city or industry may have. Perhaps the technology may seem confusing at first, but understanding its potential comes from knowing that…
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