Cybersecurity parameters to be considered for a smart grid

Cybersecurity parameters to be considered for a smart grid

Within the urban transformation processes, working with the city's electricity and energy supply is one of the key points for the success of a Smart City. In fact, in many cities, solutions have been implemented for years to transform the grid into a smart grid, which is an energy supply system that uses communication and information technology to improve the efficiency, safety and resilience of the electrical system. In general, the main components of a smart grid include the same elements as a "conventional" grid, adding communications and technology elements to improve its efficiency and optimize resources, so that: On…
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Tokenizing the energy supply of a Smart City

Tokenizing the energy supply of a Smart City

The tokenization of different types of elements and assets is one of the possibilities, so to speak, that the introduction of blockchain technology beyond the realm of cryptocurrencies has brought to our business and industrial ecosystem. "Tokenizing", adapting the English voice "token" to our language, consists of creating a digital asset that represents that which we are working on in order to be able to divide it into many parts. Taking into account that, in a Smart City, a service or infrastructure cannot generally be physically divided, the best way to achieve this is to represent it with a token…
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Avocado biofuel?

Avocado biofuel?

In times of economic uncertainty, there is no political leader who does not wish to have a goose that lays golden eggs and generates resources at the same pace as the economic system urgently needs them. The trillions of euros and dollars put in place in recent weeks to counteract the negative impact of covid-19, or rather, the shutdown of the economy due to the global pandemic, testify that the goose that lays the golden eggs in the form of the Fed's or any other central bank's banknote printing machine is not enough to keep markets and businesses afloat, due…
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Let the wind blow

Let the wind blow

The development of technology to increase the use of renewable energies, mainly solar and wind, has gone hand in hand with a reduction in the cost of their generation, which has substantially increased in many countries that are advocating a change in strategy and diversification of the energy sources they need to sustain the functioning of their societies and infrastructures. Although there are still technical, environmental and political complications to be able to expand the use of these energies three or four or many more times, the path seems to be marked in a safe and stable way to increase…
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