Tell me something, it’s a long trip

Tell me something, it’s a long trip

Among the different possibilities that humanity is contemplating to guarantee mobility in the large cities that continue to grow at accelerated rates, and in which an increasing part of the planet's population is concentrated, are those proposals that seek to reduce polluting emissions from private vehicles, replacing them with a growing number of platforms that offer the possibility of sharing transportation and reducing, if used at maximum capacity, up to three or four times the number of cars that enter or circulate through our streets and avenues. These shared service models, in which a user makes his vehicle available to…
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Avocado biofuel?

Avocado biofuel?

In times of economic uncertainty, there is no political leader who does not wish to have a goose that lays golden eggs and generates resources at the same pace as the economic system urgently needs them. The trillions of euros and dollars put in place in recent weeks to counteract the negative impact of covid-19, or rather, the shutdown of the economy due to the global pandemic, testify that the goose that lays the golden eggs in the form of the Fed's or any other central bank's banknote printing machine is not enough to keep markets and businesses afloat, due…
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Seeking customers for autonomous cars

Seeking customers for autonomous cars

The cars of the American company Waymo, owned by Google's Alphabet, are somewhat lonely these days as they test autonomous driving on the streets of San Francisco. With virtually the entire country confined to their homes, Americans no longer take the car except on those occasions permitted by state and federal governments and authorities, and, somehow, any autonomous car (AV) that currently has to test drive in "real" time and in normal situations, is having a much easier time passing all the tests it may encounter, There are no children on the streets playing with balls that can run away,…
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