One piece of information, many versions of the same

One piece of information, many versions of the same

In the so-called "fourth power", the media, an enormous revolution is taking place due to the irruption, for several years now, of "individual" journalism, in which every human being with a cell phone can act as a correspondent of whatever is going on around him or her. If a few decades ago only accredited journalists and official media were the ones who could take as valid what was "happening in the world", this is no longer true, since every person with a blog, a YouTube channel or a Facebook account can start uploading to their network the news of their…
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When good food ends up in the trash

When good food ends up in the trash

We are seeing an increase in social awareness regarding the recycling of waste materials all over the planet. Although part of society continues to simply throw away everything it does not need and discard, it is becoming common in households to have several bins for paper, glass, plastics or organic waste. This good news that has been permeating social behavior is gradually bearing fruit at the local and regional level, so much so that the administrations themselves that collect the garbage and waste of citizens can save costs and allocate part of the raw material to the creation of other…
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Changing human DNA at will

Changing human DNA at will

Human nature has designed and provided us with a biological structure that is complex, multifunctional and perfectly adaptable to enormous amounts of changes in the external environment. Our physical vehicle functions, in almost all cases, with a precision unmatched in all systems known or designed by man, and we possess a multitude of mechanisms that facilitate every component of the body we use that allows us to literally be alive in this "earthly" experience. Exploring our genomic programming This, however, may be changing. Since we learned how to decode the genomic sequence in 2016 and have been understanding how our…
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