
We provide consultancy services to help organisations and individuals seeking to gain, improve or broaden their knowledge of development cooperation and the situation in areas undergoing social and economic growth, assisting NGOs, companies and associations working in these areas to develop strategic action plans to collaborate with their local partners, to expand their work or to assess the possibility of initiating projects in communities and regions that require and demand assistance to alleviate the different needs and problems they may face.

Security and Governance Advice

  • Risk analysis: : Assessment of political, economic and social risks to identify areas of instability and conflict.
  • Security policy development: : Formulation of strategies and policies to improve security and governance, working with governments and international organisations.
  • Institutional Strengthening:: Advising to improve the capacity of government and civil society institutions in conflict management and governance.

Economic Development and Sustainability

  • Economic planning:: Development of economic strategies to foster sustainable growth and economic diversification.
  • Renewable Energy: : Design and implementation of renewable energy projects to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Social and Human Development

  • Education and Training:: Design of educational and vocational training programmes to improve the quality of education and job skills.

Climate Change and Environmental Management

  • Adaptation to climate change::Development of strategies to help communities adapt to the effects of climate change, such as drought and desertification.
  • Natural resource conservation and management:: Advice on sustainable natural resource management, including reforestation and biodiversity conservation.

Capacity Building and Community Engagement

  • Civil society strengthening:: Advice to strengthen civil society organisations and promote community participation in decision-making.
  • Women and youth empowerment:: Strategies to promote the inclusion and empowerment of women and youth in socio-economic development.

We work closely with local and international actors to develop integrated and sustainable solutions, adopting an approach that is conflict sensitive and respectful of the region’s diverse cultures and socio-economic contexts.

Write to us at for more information.