Areas of work

Our day-to-day work is based on the analysis, study, dissemination work and projects on all aspects of international aid, development cooperation and humanitarian crises in the different regions of the world affected by these crises. Our main activities are the following:

Analysis of current affairs

There are continuous crises in the region that require humanitarian intervention and international aid. From situations created by conflicts and wars to natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods or climate crises, we try to keep abreast of all news and events in all countries that are recipients of aid and we analyse, study and explore their development.

Dossiers and publications

We develop monographs on more specific aspects of the wide range of issues that make up international development cooperation, humanitarian aid and the state of conflicts or crisis situations, giving our point of view, helping to improve methodologies, analysing existing processes or looking in depth at the way in which policies and working mechanisms can be completed and made more effective for all the actors involved in this area.


We carry out consultancy work to help organisations and individuals who are looking to gain, improve or broaden their knowledge of the situation on the ground, assisting NGOs, companies and associations working in development cooperation to create strategic action plans to collaborate with their local partners, to expand their work in countries where they have a presence or to evaluate the possibility of initiating projects in different areas of the planet in which they have an interest or projects underway.


To provide training on different aspects of international aid, development cooperation and the evolution of humanitarian crises for all those interested in the multiple aspects of the complex situation and puzzle that these types of situations and projects represent in different regions and areas of the planet.

Cooperation projects

We work with other organisations, national and international bodies and NGOs to exchange information, develop best practice methodologies, analyse international aid mechanisms, raise awareness of the work done by thousands of people in the field, give visibility to their efforts to help where there is a problem and promote cooperation between all the actors involved in this field and region.