Basic blocks of technology that make up the infrastructure of a Smart City

Basic blocks of technology that make up the infrastructure of a Smart City

The transformation of a city into a Smart City can only happen through technology. It may be a basic concept, but many residents of cities that are already quite advanced may not be aware that it is the innovations that have emerged under the umbrella of Industry 4.0 that are being used to improve the efficiency, quality of life and sustainability of their places of residence. To achieve this, a smart city needs this technology to be organized in a solid and well-planned technical infrastructure, composed of some "basic" blocks that form the cogs that are to make the city's…
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Rapid advancement of smart city technologies may leave some of the population behind

Rapid advancement of smart city technologies may leave some of the population behind

When we analyze the impact that new technologies are having on our society, we know that the disruption that elements such as IoT, 5G communications or the protocols developed to support cryptocurrencies have on the global economy is not a new topic of discussion. They are forcing us all, as human beings and members of a society that is advancing at tremendously high speeds for what we have been used to in recent decades, to rethink the way we live together and what our cities of the future are going to be like. All the new socioeconomic models are intertwined…
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Why should a city become a “Smart City”?

Why should a city become a “Smart City”?

Regardless of the fact that there is a technological factor that advances unstoppably impacting all areas of our lives, and that inevitably affects the development of our cities, in the same way that it affects the development of business worldwide, the way we organize ourselves, the lifestyle we lead or the geopolitical structure that society takes, the proposals for converting a city into its "Smart City" counterpart go beyond simply being carried away by this wave of progress that moves humanity towards levels and levels of development not known until now. With more than 50% of the world's population now…
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The sustainability of Smart Cities, challenges and obligations

The sustainability of Smart Cities, challenges and obligations

The last COP26, the international climate summit held in Glasgow, has once again highlighted the growing awareness and concern for the environment, urbanization and technological development that a large part of society possesses, and which has given rise to an urgent need, and an urgent opportunity, to rethink the way we build and manage our cities. Perhaps this is not something new, as we are aware that, in recent decades, these interrelated issues began to converge to give shape to what is generically referred to as "Sustainable Smart Cities", with the term "sustainable" gaining weight in the whole concept of…
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Smart “home” cities for a population in search of prosperity and sustainable growth

Smart “home” cities for a population in search of prosperity and sustainable growth

For a city to be considered "humanly habitable" by those who have to live in it, it has to meet much more than simple conditions of health, comfort, cleanliness and ease of transportation. We are gradually realizing, as the latest advances in urban sustainability have shown, that cities must be psychologically and emotionally habitable for all of us who have to make them our home, which is different from making them our "house", since there is an added component of "stability" and "rootedness" in the home that does not have to be present when we only occupy a space in…
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